So. There is construction going on outside my apartment. They send an email out Friday night on a holiday weekend about moving your car out of the parking garage before Tuesday morning or it’s stuck in there for a week. I was already at Treetown with no signal so I didn’t get the email. This morning I wake up, read the email and in more panic you can ever imagine I RUN MY ASS OFF outside…the garage is already blocked off. I BEG to get my car out, they have to move the barriers RE PUT THE DIRT they already moved AND HAD TO LIFT MY CAR OVER THE BARRIER. But wait…there’s more. When I went to get my car, the battery was dead so they had to jump it first. I told them I’d bake cookies but that wouldn’t be nice because I’m a horrible cook so basically I’m buying the stores out of beer to throw them a ThanksForNotMakingMeCryThisMorning party! So THANK YOU to those construction guys working in White Bear who were SO NICE and helpful this morning even though I’m 100% positive they were so. mad. at me. They told me the name was “Jim Eye” haha I’m not sure if that’s the real name but they were awesome and if you know them, thank them again for me! :)
Annnnd Shout Out To Awesome People!